PHP Manual Contribution Guide


PHP is well-known for having excellent documentation. That documentation is created by volunteers who collectively make changes every day, and actively translated into many languages. This guide is designed for people who work on the official PHP documentation.

The manual is built from the documentation using a tool called PhD. The local setup chapter explains how to set up a local development environment.

The manual is written to the DocBook 5.2 XML schema, with one change to allow the <classsynopsis> tag to support more than one <ooclass>, <ooexception>, or <oointerface> as the DocBook 5.1 schema does.


This guide uses some terminology that you have to know. Don't worry, it's easy:

  • author - person who contributes to the original English manual
  • translator - person who translates the English manual into another language
  • {LANG} - replace it with your two-letter country code, (e.g. when referring to a mailinglist, doc-{LANG} Note: Brazilian Portuguese differs from the rest and it's called pt_br for the Git repo and pt-br for the mailing list suffix.


You can report problems or make contributions to this guide by using the "Edit this page" or "Report a problem" links in the sidebar of each page of the online version of this documentation, or through the GitHub repository.

Table of Contents

