Translating documentation

Watch out: this chapter describes special parts of the whole editing process. You will also have to follow other steps from the editing manual sources section.

Translating documentation into other languages might look like a complicated process, but in fact, it's rather simple.

Because any files that are not yet translated are automatically included from the English version of the manual when the HTML and other versions of the translated manual are built, only files that are translated should be added to the repository for a translation. Untranslated files that are added to the repository could otherwise become out-of-date and cause problems with building the translated manual.

Every file in Git has a commit hash. It is basically the current version of the specified file. We use commit hashes to check if a file is synchronized with its English counterpart: to find out if the translation is up-to-date. That's why every file in your translation requires an EN-Revision comment with the following syntax:

<!-- EN-Revision: [some commit hash] Maintainer: [username] Status: ready -->

The most important part of this comment is the commit hash of the English file that this translated file is based on. Let's see examples:

Translating new file

Say you want to translate the documentation of the in_array() function, which doesn't exist in your language yet. Get the commit hash by changing into the en directory and executing the command git log -n1 --pretty=format:%H -- reference/array/functions/in-array.xml

For this example, let's say our commit hash is 68a9c82e06906a5c00e0199307d87dd3739f719b. Let's see how your translated file header should look like if we assume that your username is johnsmith:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- EN-Revision: 68a9c82e06906a5c00e0199307d87dd3739f719b Maintainer: johnsmith Status: ready -->

The rule is simple: if your revision number is equal to the revision number of the English file you've translated, then your translation is up-to-date. Otherwise, it needs to be synced.

Updating translation of existing file

Let's assume that you want to update the translation of password_needs_rehash(). One way to see which files require updating, and what has to be changed to sync with the English version, is to use the tools.

Choose your language from the right sidebar and then use the "Outdated files" tool. Filter files by directory or username (username used here comes from the Mantainer variable in the header comment described above). Let's assume that the tool marked password-needs-rehash.xml as outdated. Click on the filename and you will see diff - list of changes between two versions of file: your version (current commit hash in EN-Revision in your translation) and newest version in the English source tree. The example below shows what the diff might look like:

diff --git a/reference/password/functions/password-needs-rehash.xml b/reference/password/functions/password-needs-rehash.xml
index 984eb2dc5c..860758a4a4 100644
--- a/reference/password/functions/password-needs-rehash.xml
+++ b/reference/password/functions/password-needs-rehash.xml
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
-   <methodparam><type>string</type><parameter>algo</parameter></methodparam>
-   <methodparam choice="opt"><type>string</type><parameter>options</parameter></methodparam>
+   <methodparam><type>int</type><parameter>algo</parameter></methodparam>
+   <methodparam choice="opt"><type>array</type><parameter>options</parameter></methodparam>
    This function checks to see if the supplied hash implements the algorithm

As you can see, there is a difference between two lines. The types for the parameters options and algo in the synopsis had been changed from string, to int and array respectively. You have to perform these changes in your translation to make it up-to-date. Open phpdoc/{LANG}/reference/password/functions/password-needs-rehash.xml and change those lines to match the English version.

Then update the EN-Revision commit hash in the header comment. Your file header might look like this initially:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- EN-Revision: 6640ca4c12c6bcaf0b2a99e75871f417b38df1a2 Maintainer: someone Status: ready -->

and after changes it should look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- EN-Revision: a1b67e45e7c762a917323d260c491c0361040ce4 Maintainer: someone Status: ready -->

The new EN-Revision commit hash came from the doc tools page.

Your translation is now up-to-date. It is quite a long process but it's simple and logical when you get used to it.

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