Setting up a local development environment

This guide assumes that you are comfortable working with on the command line with tools like Git.

There are instructions for building with Docker or without Docker. Building with Docker means that not all of the related repositories need local clones, and that you will be building with a version of PHP that is known to work.

When working with multiple translations, or working on changes that may also require changing files in the doc-base or phd repositories, the suggested way to organize the local enviroment is to clone repositories into a single phpdoc directory, and for individual languages to be cloned into directories named {LANG} instead of doc-{LANG} as they are named on GitHub.

Building with make and Docker

$ mkdir phpdoc
$ cd phpdoc
$ git clone en
$ cd en
$ make
$ open output/php-chunked-xhtml/index.html

If the doc-base or phd repositories are available in directories adjacent the clone of the doc-en repository, those will be used for building, otherwise the latest revision of those repositories from GitHub will be built into the Docker image used.

To force the Docker image used for building to itself be rebuilt, run make -B build, otherwise the Makefile will only build it if does not already exist.

The web version of the documentation with make php and the output will be placed in output/php-web. (See the additional local web setup instructions for details on how to view those.)

Building without make or Docker

Check out the PHP documentation using Git

Note that doc-en is cloned into the en directory below.

$ mkdir phpdoc
$ cd phpdoc
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone en

Validate and build .manual.xml

$ php doc-base/configure.php

Running configure.php will check and validate the XML according to the Docbook specification. It will output either error messages explaining any problems, or an ASCII cat.

This creates the file doc-base/.manual.xml which can then be used to generate other formats of the documentation.

If you are building a translation, you'll also need to specify the language at this step:

$ git clone fr
$ php doc-base/configure.php --with-lang=fr

When building a language, you still need to clone both the doc-en repository (again, as en) so it can be used as the fallback for files that are not yet translated.

Build other formats of the documentation

phd can turn the doc-base/.manual.xml generated by configure.php into several different formats, including a single HTML file, a multiple-file ("chunked") HTML version, and a special version of the HTML used by the website.

$ php phd/render.php --docbook doc-base/.manual.xml --package PHP --format xhtml
$ open output/php-chunked-xhtml/index.html

To build the version for the website (with a local web setup):

$ php phd/render.php --docbook doc-base/.manual.xml --package PHP --format php
$ open https://localhost:8080/manual/en/

Table of Contents

