This tool allows you to check which files in your translation need updates. To show the list choose a directory (it doesn't work recursively) or translator.

When you click on the filename you will see the plaintext diff showing changes between revisions, so you will know what has changed in the English version and which information you need to update.You can also click on [diff] to show the colored diff.

Choose a directory:

Or choose a translator:

Translated file Changes Revision Maintainer Status
en fr
ftp-nb-fget.xml [diff] +1 -1 21840cc5931a3d97534a17204d621471348fa4cb 4d1c34c9b7a30cfc3a59641122c707a2812cfed7 yannick ready
compositeimage.xml [diff] +1 -1 05be638c610d375effeeaa3e7b00544fc18c5ad9 c34257b72856627f0dc87ab3de97e5ca09f5dc95 yannick ready
session-id.xml [diff] +1 -1 f5c124befdf7c2791877694a86ead123b179d935 151e61773c016edcae8fd4989ad9a86ffd03c283 yannick ready