===> Fri Aug 4 12:57:12 BST 2017 Starting ro ===> Fri Aug 4 12:57:12 BST 2017 Configuring ro configure.php: $Id: configure.php 337463 2015-08-14 23:54:15Z cmb $ PHP version: 5.6.29 Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base Checking for output filename... /local/src/phpdoc-all//doc-base/2017-08-04-12-ro.xml Checking whether to include CHM... no Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php Checking for language to build... ro Checking whether the language is supported... yes Checking for partial build... no Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no Checking libxml version... 2.7.6 Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done Iterating over extension specific version files... OK Saving it... OK Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no Loading and parsing manual.xml... failed. ERROR (file:////local/src/phpdoc-all/ro/reference/mongodb/tutorial.xml:20:36) &reference.mongodb.tutorial.hhvm; ------------------------------------^ Entity 'reference.mongodb.tutorial.hhvm' not defined Previous errors too severe. Stopping here. Eyh man. No worries. Happ shittens. Try again after fixing the errors above. =============> Something happenend when snapshotting ro Failed completely =============> Please have a look! =============> Something happenend when snapshotting ro Failed configuring ro =============> Please have a look! ===> Fri Aug 4 12:59:34 BST 2017 Cleaning /local/src/phpdoc-all//doc-base/2017-08-04-12-ro.xml