===> Tue Apr 1 16:59:57 BST 2014 Starting tw ===> Tue Apr 1 16:59:57 BST 2014 Configuring tw configure.php: $Id: configure.php 330577 2013-06-20 23:22:04Z bjori $ PHP version: 5.3.3 Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base Checking for output filename... /local/src/phpdoc-all//doc-base/2014-04-01-16-tw.xml Checking whether to include CHM... no Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php Checking for language to build... tw Checking whether the language is supported... yes Checking for partial build... no Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no Checking libxml version... 2.7.6 Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes Checking whether to optimize out the DTD (performance gain, but segfaults)... no Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/manual.xml... done Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-unix.xml... done Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/install-win.xml... done Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/developer.template.xml... done Generating /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/scripts/file-entities.php... done Iterating over extension specific version files... OK Saving it... OK Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-all/doc-base/entities/file-entities.ent... done Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no Loading and parsing manual.xml... done. Validating manual.xml... done. All good. Saving 2014-04-01-16-tw.xml... done. All you have to do now is run 'phd -d /local/src/phpdoc-all//doc-base/2014-04-01-16-tw.xml' If the script hangs here, you can abort with ^C. _ _..._ __ \)` (` / / `\ | d b | =\ Y =/--..-="````"-. '.=__.-' `\ o/ /\ \ | | \ \ / ) \ .--""`\ < \ '-' / // | || \ '---' jgs ((,,_/ ((,,___/ (Run `nice php configure.php` next time!) ===> Tue Apr 1 17:01:00 BST 2014 Finished configuring ===> Tue Apr 1 17:01:00 BST 2014 Building tw ===> Tue Apr 1 17:01:01 BST 2014 Rendering xhtml, bigxhtml, php and tocfeed [17:01:06 - Rendering Style ] Running full build [17:01:07 - Indexing ] Indexing... [17:01:53 - Indexing ] Indexing done [17:01:57 - Rendering Style ] Running full build [17:01:57 - Rendering Format ] Starting PHP-Chunked-XHTML rendering [17:01:57 - Rendering Format ] Starting PHP-BigXHTML rendering [17:01:57 - Rendering Format ] Starting PHP-Web rendering [17:01:57 - Rendering Format ] Starting PHP-TocFeed rendering [17:01:57 - E_WARNING ] /local/src/phd/phpdotnet/phd/Package/PHP/ChunkedXHTML.php:133 file_get_contents(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known [17:01:57 - E_WARNING ] /local/src/phd/phpdotnet/phd/Package/PHP/ChunkedXHTML.php:133 file_get_contents(http://www.php.net/styles/theme-base.css): failed to open stream: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known [17:01:57 - E_USER_WARNING ] /local/src/phd/phpdotnet/phd/Package/PHP/ChunkedXHTML.php:139 Stylesheet http://www.php.net/styles/theme-base.css not fetched. Uses default rendering style. [17:01:57 - E_WARNING ] /local/src/phd/phpdotnet/phd/Package/Generic/XHTML.php:560 file_get_contents(theme-base.css): failed to open stream: No such file or directory [17:01:57 - E_USER_WARNING ] /local/src/phd/phpdotnet/phd/Package/Generic/XHTML.php:563 Stylesheet theme-base.css not fetched. [17:01:57 - E_WARNING ] /local/src/phd/phpdotnet/phd/Package/Generic/XHTML.php:560 file_get_contents(theme-medium.css): failed to open stream: No such file or directory [17:01:57 - E_USER_WARNING ] /local/src/phd/phpdotnet/phd/Package/Generic/XHTML.php:563 Stylesheet theme-medium.css not fetched. [17:01:57 - E_WARNING ] /local/src/phd/phpdotnet/phd/Package/Generic/XHTML.php:560 file_get_contents(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known [17:01:57 - E_WARNING ] /local/src/phd/phpdotnet/phd/Package/Generic/XHTML.php:560 file_get_contents(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Source+Sans+Pro:400,600,400italic,600italic|Source+Code+Pro&subset=latin,latin-ext): failed to open stream: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known [17:01:57 - E_USER_WARNING ] /local/src/phd/phpdotnet/phd/Package/Generic/XHTML.php:563 Stylesheet http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Source+Sans+Pro:400,600,400italic,600italic|Source+Code+Pro&subset=latin,latin-ext not fetched. [17:01:57 - E_USER_WARNING ] /local/src/phd/phpdotnet/phd/Package/Generic/XHTML.php:588 Impossible to copy the theme-base.css file. [17:01:57 - E_USER_WARNING ] /local/src/phd/phpdotnet/phd/Package/Generic/XHTML.php:588 Impossible to copy the theme-medium.css file. [17:04:48 - Rendering Format ] Writing search indexes.. [17:04:48 - Rendering Format ] Index written [17:04:48 - Rendering Format ] Writing search indexes.. [17:04:49 - Rendering Format ] Index written [17:04:49 - Rendering Format ] Finished rendering ===> Tue Apr 1 17:04:49 BST 2014 Skipping all other redering formats ===> Tue Apr 1 17:04:49 BST 2014 Finished building ===> Tue Apr 1 17:04:49 BST 2014 Moving phpweb ===> Tue Apr 1 17:04:55 BST 2014 Not moving anything else for tw ===> Tue Apr 1 17:04:55 BST 2014 Cleaning /local/src/phpdoc-all//doc-base/2014-04-01-16-tw.xml ===> Tue Apr 1 17:04:55 BST 2014 tw Finished successfully