===> Fri Apr 26 04:13:23 BST 2024 Starting ja ===> Fri Apr 26 04:13:23 BST 2024 Configuring ja configure.php: $Id$ PHP version: 8.1.24 WARNING: Unknown option 'segfault-speed'! Checking for source directory... /local/src/phpdoc-git/base Checking for output filename... /local/src/phpdoc-git//base/2024-04-26-04-ja.xml Checking whether to include CHM... no Checking for PHP executable... /usr/bin/php Checking for language to build... ja Checking whether the language is supported... yes Checking for partial build... no Checking whether to enable detailed XML error messages... no Checking libxml version... 2.9.1 Checking whether to enable detailed error reporting (may segfault)... yes fatal: unknown field name: push:track doc-base: dacdc954a35383c53e7870f244beb9066e3c0417 ?? developer.template.xml ?? fileModHistory.php fatal: unknown field name: push:track en: 0be325d396b139feeaee38168f779be962b74f09 fatal: unknown field name: push:track ja: d6b4442ddd1f810e6be082cac5898540add5e53f Generating /local/src/phpdoc-git/base/manual.xml... done Generating /local/src/phpdoc-git/base/install-unix.xml... done Generating /local/src/phpdoc-git/base/install-win.xml... done Generating /local/src/phpdoc-git/base/scripts/file-entities.php... done Iterating over extension specific version files... OK Saving it... OK Iterating over files for sources info... OK Generating sources XML... OK Saving sources.xml file... OK Modification history file /local/src/phpdoc-git/en/fileModHistory.php not found. PHP Warning: Undefined variable $history_file in /local/src/phpdoc-git/base/configure.php on line 315 Creating empty modification history file...done. Creating file /local/src/phpdoc-git/base/entities/file-entities.ent... done Checking for if we should generate a simplified file... no Checking whether to save an invalid .manual.xml... no Loading and parsing manual.xml... done. Running XInclude/XPointer... done. Performed 1460 XIncludes Validating manual.xml... done. All good. Saving 2024-04-26-04-ja.xml... done. All you have to do now is run 'phd -d /local/src/phpdoc-git//base/2024-04-26-04-ja.xml' If the script hangs here, you can abort with ^C. _ _..._ __ \)` (` / / `\ | d b | =\ Y =/--..-="````"-. '.=__.-' `\ o/ /\ \ | | \ \ / ) \ .--""`\ < \ '-' / // | || \ '---' jgs ((,,_/ ((,,___/ (Run `nice php base/configure.php` next time!) ===> Fri Apr 26 04:13:39 BST 2024 Finished configuring ===> Fri Apr 26 04:13:39 BST 2024 Building ja ===> Fri Apr 26 04:13:40 BST 2024 Rendering xhtml, bigxhtml, php and tocfeed [03:13:40 - Indexing ] Indexing... [03:13:40 - E_WARNING ] /local/src/phd/phpdotnet/phd/Format.php:155 SQLite3::query(): no such table: ids [03:13:40 - E_WARNING ] /local/src/phd/phpdotnet/phd/Format.php:156 SQLite3::query(): no such table: ids [03:13:40 - E_WARNING ] /local/src/phd/phpdotnet/phd/Format.php:157 SQLite3::query(): no such table: ids [03:13:40 - E_WARNING ] /local/src/phd/phpdotnet/phd/Format.php:158 SQLite3::query(): no such table: ids [03:13:40 - E_WARNING ] /local/src/phd/phpdotnet/phd/Format.php:159 SQLite3::query(): no such table: ids [03:13:40 - E_WARNING ] /local/src/phd/phpdotnet/phd/Format.php:160 SQLite3::query(): no such table: ids [03:13:40 - Rendering Style ] Running full build [03:14:02 - Indexing ] Indexing done [03:14:04 - Rendering Style ] Running full build [03:14:04 - Rendering Format ] Starting PHP-Chunked-XHTML rendering [03:14:04 - Rendering Format ] Starting PHP-BigXHTML rendering [03:14:04 - Rendering Format ] Starting PHP-Web rendering [03:14:04 - Rendering Format ] Starting PHP-TocFeed rendering [03:15:26 - Rendering Format ] Writing search indexes.. [03:15:26 - Rendering Format ] Index written [03:15:26 - Rendering Format ] Writing search indexes.. [03:15:26 - Rendering Format ] Index written [03:15:26 - Rendering Format ] Finished rendering ===> Fri Apr 26 04:15:26 BST 2024 Skipping all other redering formats ===> Fri Apr 26 04:15:26 BST 2024 Finished building ===> Fri Apr 26 04:15:26 BST 2024 Moving phpweb ===> Fri Apr 26 04:15:33 BST 2024 Not moving anything else for ja ===> Fri Apr 26 04:15:33 BST 2024 Cleaning /local/src/phpdoc-git//base/2024-04-26-04-ja.xml ===> Fri Apr 26 04:15:33 BST 2024 ja Finished successfully